Currently published 136 advisories.
(CVE-2021-30836) WebKit WebCore::AudioNode::disconnect null pointer reference
CVE: CVE-2021-30836 Tested Versions: webkitGTK2.32.0 Product URL(s): Description of the vulnerability In order to show how we can reproduce it, let’s open poc.html in webkitgtk version 2.32.0 within Ubuntu. Alternatively, you may want to use my docker script to build. Source code of docker build . -t webkit_asan docker run -it --name=webkit2.32.0 webkit_asan /bin/bash Source code of Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:18.04 MAINTAINER mipu94 RUN echo ${WEBKIT_VERSION} ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get -y update && \ apt-get install -y wget \ cmake \ bison \ git \ unzip \ xz-utils \ apache2 \ llvm-7 \ clang-7 \ libclang-7-dev \ tzdata \ sed \ ruby WORKDIR /root/ # install ninja RUN wget https://github....